Winter Threats to Your Home

The extreme cold temperatures and inches of snow outside can wreak havoc on your home during the winter months. The winter months contest your house from freezing pipes to causing issues with your roof; That's why when temperatures drop below freezing, it's essential for you to be able to identify the weak spots and know how to fix each problem. Here are four ways winter weather can cause damage to your home, and our tips for fixing each.


Snow and Ice on the Roof

The extreme warm air temperatures to cool air can cause condensation and excess water running down the roof. When temperatures reach below freezing, ice dams can be created, leading to roof leaks and gutter problems. Ice dams are caused when water flows down the roof and freezes at temperatures below 32. Excess ice on the roof can put stress on your shingles, eventually leading to leaks. To avoid potential roof leaks, remove all icicles as soon as they begin to form and replace any shingles that appear to be damaged.


Cold air and Caulk

When the weather fluctuates outdoors, caulk on the inside of windows has the potential to pull away from the frame and lose its seal. When the caulk has lost its seal, drafts of cool air can creep in and let the warm air out. If you notice that one area of your home is particularly drafty, check all windows and around doorframes to see if you can reapply some caulk. This can also decrease your energy bills!


Trees and Ice Danger

While trees can be beautiful in the winter covered in ice and snow, they can also lead to severe damage. Ice and snow-covered limbs can easily break off and land on houses causing damage to roof shingles, siding, and even powerlines. The easiest way to prevent this is to prune trees in the fall. Trimming back branches near your house limits the risk of damage to your home in the winter.


Siding Damage in Temperature Fluctuations

Did you know that vinyl siding can expand and contract when the temperature fluctuates? That's why when vinyl siding is installed, it needs to be installed loosely. In cold temperatures, siding is vulnerable to cracking and becoming extremely brittle. To avoid long-term damage, keep an eye on your siding during the winter, making sure to take care of any minor maintenance problems as soon as possible.


New Look Roof

New Look Roof is a Louisville area roofing company that provides siding installation, window installation, and general repairs. We are dedicated to serving the community with high-level quality work no matter what the job is. So, if you or someone you know needs repairs on their home this winter, don't hesitate to visit our contact page. We look forward to working with you!



New Look Roof specializes in roofing, siding, windows, gutters, and repairs. We serve the greater Louisville area and pride ourselves on being industry-leading in materials, education, training, and craftsmanship. We invite all potential clients to fill out a form online or call us directly at 502.341.4415!


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